Monday, April 26, 2010

The techniques of painting on glass

The glass artist works on a bright surface to continuously assess the transparency of its work. He painted in a horizontal position on a light table or in upright position (slightly bent) on an easel "glass." On a table, hand painted based on a "small bank" to be stable and avoid tremors.

You can obtain the following results:

The drawing fine lines or thick, clear or opaque. Example: the traits of a character, to circumvent the form of a room to refine its design.

Applying a flat area on a transparent surface to provide either the expression of a texture (eg, skunk), or the expression of depth (shading, shadows). Without changing the color of the glass substrate.

Changing the color of the glass by the superimposition of a new color (eg email) or by cementation.

Application techniques:

- The features: they are achieved through respect brushes of different sizes, made of sable (nervous) or squirrel (soft). The features are obtained by an opaque gray vinegar.

- The flat areas: the application is made first with a brush called "mop" of hair composed of "squirrel" and then continues with the intervention of a badger. It serves to divide the painting for either a solid color uniform or gradient. The material is carefully directed by the successive passages of his end and this work is called blaireautage and the effect is a blaireauté. The quality and the effect obtained depends on the value of clear or dark paint and the fineness of its grain.

- The enlevages: the principle is to remove part of the material on a painting unheated to allow the passage of light. The deleted part can be taken away from a frank manner using hard tools (goose, small wood) or so, so sweet to using brushes more or less flexible.

Examples of material:

- Washes and shaped, they are used to give relief to the gloom with a diluted water.

- The blaireauté: it is used to create a solid color.

- The ferret: a flat area of wet gray can be stamped with the end of a "skunk" (stiff brush and round). The putoisage gives an effect of small grains. On a large surface, you can use the brush to a skunk.

- The highlights they accentuate the effect of a modeled by drawing a series of parallel hatching. The heightened brushes are longer and wider than the brushes feature (small gray pure watercolor brushes). A flange can also resemble a half-tone applied quickly


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